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ILS Resource Guide: Reports

Reports Overview and Additional Support

CIRCULATION STATISTICS - by Collection or by Material Type - These will be emailed to library directors on the 1st of each month.

Circ statistics (by collection)

Provides detailed information about check-outs and renewals of all items at your library, for the selected date range. Items are listed by Collection.

Circ statistics (by material type)

Provides detailed information about check-outs and renewals of all items at your library, for the selected date range. Items are listed by Material Type.

INTERLIBRARY LOAN CIRC STATS - These will be emailed to library directors on the 1st of each month.

Interlibrary loan - loaned stats

Circulation stats by assigned branch - After subtracting your library’s total # items from the Grand Total, this report will provide you with the # of items your library loaned to other libraries to fill their patron’s requests. 

Interlibrary loan - borrowed stats

Circulation stats by loaning branch - After subtracting your library’s total # of items from the Grand Total, this report will provide you with the # of items your library borrowed from other libraries to fill your patron’s requests.

INVENTORY REPORTS (required for inventory)

Inventory - incorrect status

Provides a list of items that had a status other than 'Available' during inventory.

Specify a call # range and a cut-off date. Set the cut-off date to the day before the inventory date.

Inventory - missed during inventory

Provides a list of items with a status of 'In' that should have been in the inventory sequence but were not.

Specify a call # range and a cut-off date. Set the cut-off date to the date you started the inventory.

List of items inventoried

Provides a shelf list of Items inventoried using the 'Update Inventory Date' view at 'Check In’.

Specify the call # range to include in the report. Run this report after taking an inventory.


These 2 reports provide information that can also be obtained using the Request Manager (Held items awaiting pickup) and the Picklist (Unclaimed items).

Held checklist 

Unclaimed checklist