Amazon Best Books of the Month: Hand-picked reads from the Amazon book editors
Barnes & Noble: Coming soon, by week
Book Marks: Lit Hub's book review aggregator
Fantastic Fiction: Upcoming titles, sortable by release date, popularity, author name, and title
Indie Next List: Inspired recommendations from indie booksellers
Kirkus Reviews: Browsable by age range and category
Library Reads: The top ten books published each month that librarians across the country love.
Publishers Weekly On-Sale Calendar: Upcoming release dates by month
These bookish podcasts are among our librarians' favorites. Check them out!
From the Front Porch: A weekly conversational podcast on books, small business, and life in the South.
He Read, She Read: The podcast where a couple of married bookworms discuss what they're reading and learning.
The Librarian is In: The New York Public Library's podcast about books, culture, and what to read next.
Literary Disco: Where books come to dance.
Novel Pairings: Each episode pairs one classic book with some recommendations for more contemporary reads that feature similar themes.
The Stacks: Your literary best friend; your virtual book club; your one-stop shop for everything books.
What Should I Read Next: The show that's dedicated to answering the question that plagues every reader.