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NYS Library Construction Aid: How to Apply

Application Checklist

A list of documents required to be completed as part of the online State Aid for Library Construction program.

Keep in mind that some attachments require the board president’s signature and/or board approval so please plan accordingly.

Application Timeline

May 3, 2024Deadline – Intent to Apply: Libraries intending to apply must have completed the Intent to Apply survey and included a clear narrative describing the project before this date.

May 16, 2024 - Construction Grant Workshop

May/June 2024 – Site visits conducted.  Libraries that indicated on the Intent to Apply survey form that they will be submitting a construction application are asked to contact Dawn Vincent ( to schedule a site visit.

June 2024 – Online application becomes available.  

June 16, 2024 – Deadline – Site visits: Libraries requesting a site visit must have the site visit before this date.

June-August 2024 - Libraries work on the application; NCLS offers technical assistance via phone and email

July 2024 – NCLS provides open office hours (i.e. one-on-one sessions at the NCLS service center or via ZOOM) to assist member libraries with their applications and answer any specific questions.  Priority for these sessions will be given to member libraries that attend the workshop, submit a completed Intent to Apply survey form before the deadline and schedule a site visit.

August 16, 2024 – Deadline – Application:  Construction grant applications (including all forms and attachments) must be completed and submitted before this date.

August 22, 2024 - NCLS Board Recommendations Approved

October 2024 - System Due Date to DLD

June-August 2025- Notification of Award from State Library

July-September 2025 - 90% of award paid out to your library

Online Grants Portal

Before you can apply for a construction grant, you must have a NYS Directory Service account to access the online portal. If you do not have a NYS Directory Service account, you'll need to complete the form here to register for one.

Community and Demographic Data Resources

Environmental Assessment Form

All applicants for NYS Library Construction Aid are required to comply with the State Environmental Quality Review Act and must complete an Environmental Assessment Form (EAF).


State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)

If your library building is 50 years old or older and/or the project involves ground disturbance and/or demolition, your project may require SHPO approval. All consultation reviews through SHPO are now processed through the Cultural Resource Information System (CRIS).

For more information on SHPO, please visit the New York State Library State Aid for Library Construction site.

SFS - Statewide Financial System

Each public library has a Statewide Financial System (SFS) account:

The Statewide Financial System (SFS) allows member libraries to

  • Receive electronic payments
  • Review payments, purchase orders, and invoices
  • Maintain vendor information - The NYS Vendor ID is maintained on the SFS and is required for the Payee Information Form.   

Funding Considerations in SFS account that affect your construction award:

  • Libraries with EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) (Listed as ACH – Automatic Clearing House in SFS) will be paid quickest.
  • Libraries without EFT will get a paper check, but this process is delayed.