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Annual Reports 2024: Introduction

The Annual Report is a yearly report that public libraries in New York State are required to complete. It is split up into 14 parts. As you move through the annual report, please click on the appropriate tab at the top of this guide for resources and help. Resources will often include actual answers to some of your questions.

Getting Started

Getting Started

Welcome! In January of 2025, you'll be required to complete a 2024 Annual Report for your library. Bibliostat CollectConnect is the 'portal' that you enter your annual report information into, and does not open until late January. However, you can prepare your data ahead of time.

Bibliostat has undergone some major updates in preparation for the 2024 Annual Report. This includes a new look and several new features: 

  • More than one person can work in the survey at the same time but you will be alerted if you are not the only one logged in to your survey.
  • Data will be saved as soon as you enter it and go to the next field.
  • Default will be to “Show Last Year’s Answers.”
  • “Show Last Year’s Answers” will be available in repeating groups, such as those found in the financial and outlet sections.
  • A history icon will show your previous five years of answers.
  • Edit checks will show up in the survey next to your questions (in addition to the status section).
  • We are told that printing and viewing of PDF and web reports should now work reliably, with improved readability.
  • Summed fields will sum as you enter data and will show if you have not yet entered all of the data included in that sum.

Annual Report information will be due in Bibliostat CollectConnect by February 17th. It is important that you review and check the information, comparing to last year's report if needed. When you are done, email your consultant. We will do a minor review and contact you with any questions before submitting to the state. 

  • BOARD APPROVAL/ASSURANCE - Plan ahead to have your report done and reviewed by your library board, typically at your February meeting, or March if necessary. Your board's date of approval will be noted in question 12.41. It's ok if your board officially approves your report after it's been submitted to NCLS because we would not have submitted it to DLD yet. Please contact us if you have any changes.
  • MASTER AR SPREADSHEET: NCLS has created a single Master AR Spreadsheet (please look under UPDATES to the right for the release of the spreadsheet, usually mid January) that has all the answers we typically provide. This is information from SIRSI & Polaris, technology, and more that NCLS provides but in ONE location. 
  • EDIT CHECKS: Please provide notes for any figures that have a large increase or decrease and make sure that all notes are clear. If the note is for an edit check, make sure that the note answers the question being asked by the edit check.
  • OUTLINE OF MAJOR CHANGES. 2024 Outline of Major Changes 
  • DLD's ANNUAL REPORT INSTRUCTIONS: 2024 Instructions 
  • LAST YEAR'S REPORTS: Your report from last year can both help answer questions and check for accuracy.
  • BLANK AR COPY: blank copy of 2024 Annual Report



Below, you'll find a list of important updates. This will include dates for major emails I send out, so please refer back to this if you think you've missed something.


1/06/25: Now Open! Important Dates and More

  • The Annual Report portal (Bibliostat) has opened. There's a lot of changes, especially to part 5. The Guide and Spreadsheet will be helpful.
  • The deadline to submit is February 17th.
  • Open Labs (virtually over Zoom) will be held on January 21 and 23.

12/10/24: With the Annual Report coming in January, you can start preparing for it now! This includes the following:

  • Print out a copy of last year's report. This can be for great checking answers and understanding what information you need to collect.
  • Get Trustee contact information for Part 10. Remember, this information is for library trustees moving forward, starting February 1st, 2025. The report does NOT want to know who your trustees were the previous year, only moving forward. 
  • Gather financial data for Parts 11-14. If you rely on others for this information (like the municipality, independent Treasurer, etc.), give them a heads up. Look at parts 11 and 12 of the guide to help you start organizing the information.
  • Start preparing your programming data for part 3. Your Summer Reading data is already complete.